Monday, March 3, 2008

Prayer for Week 10 (beginning 3.3.08)

To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.
- Jude 25
This week let us remember that
God is by nature a saving God - He desires to save the lost, including the drug dealer down the street, the mother who abuses her child, and the greedy businessman who takes advantage of the poor.

He works in perfect wisdom, and His salvation of sinners brings glory to His Name as His mighty power is displayed through the lives He changes.

He reigns. Even in the midst of wickedness and darkness that is sometimes incomprehensible, our Lord reigns.

This week may we offer abundant praise and gratitude to God as we reflect on His mercy towards sinners, our own salvation, and His wisdom, power, and dominion.

1 comment:

Rebecca Lily said...

AMEN! There is no valley that his grace is not deeper still... no mountain so high that his forgiveness cannot cover it.