Sunday, June 15, 2008

Prayer for Week 25 (Beginning 6.16.08)

The Salvation for the Nation prayer blog actually began from another prayer group called "For the Sake of 10."

In a quick rundown, the story is that I was studying Abraham's intercessory prayer for Sodom, and read how God said for the "sake of 10" righteous people, He would not destroy the city. For the sake of the righteous, He was willing to withhold judgment on the wicked. The words kept ringing in my ears until I decided to ask 9 women to pray with me for our country. I knew that we were not righteous on our own but that, as followers of Christ, His righteousness covered us.

And so an email went out to the 9. Some women were family; some women I barely even knew. We covered various states, ages, and demographics...but we all committed to pray for our country for one month. I sent out a weekly email on Mondays with a verse or topic of focus just like the ones I post here.

The purpose of this post is to encourage you to start a "For the Sake of 10" prayer group. Ask 9 people to pray with you for a month. If you don't know 9, ask 2, or 3, or 4. You can use the intercessions from my past posts, or write your own.

When I read about the depravity of Sodom, I couldn't help but believe that America rivals that city in wickedness. But, while Sodom was destroyed, the wicked city Ninevah in the book of Jonah was not because they repented!

For the sake of 10. For the sake of 10 righteous people, God was willing to withhold judgment on a city deserving destruction. What amazing grace our God has...and I believe He is eager and willing to show us more...if we will care enough to pray.

Note: I believe this may be my last post. I'm not 100% sure, but I have been praying about it. If you think about it, please pray for clarity of God's will for me. Thanks!


Andrea said...

If this is your last, I have enjoyed this very much. It has been a blessing to me on the days i needed to feel in touch with a Sister. I have enjoyed the posts and it helped me to spread my "prayer wings" a little, but it does appear to be time consuming. Sometimes we have to let some things go. When you are 65 and have no little ones to chase after, let me know and we will start it up again!

luv u,


Rebecca Lily said...

Amen to everything Andrea said. :) I know how sometimes a good thing can even take away from what is BETTER! I so love your heart for our country, for the people of God & for prayer!!!! Thank you for giving of yourself for this ministry.
